Saturday, August 30, 2008

Athato Brahma Jigyasa

Have you ever seen deeply in the eyes of poor and down trodden human?
Most of us do not have courage to to look inside those black eyes. But you felt the pain of his sufferings in your heart. It cannot be defined by science. This pain is experienced by your soul. Existence of soul is denied and suppressed by everyone.

Who am i?
This is the first question arose in the spiritual minds. We hide and run from this question whole life. We boast ourselves for scientific endeavor but do not want to search for the this answer. Everybody search for deeper meaning and purpose of life.

You try to compose yourself by cursing the cruel world or unmerciful god or an individual for yours suffering. You simply forget that you are the part of the same system. The world is nothing unreal but weaved and governed together by the dream and wishes of human. Humans try to mend and break the rules of nature for his survival and then luxury. Human has a free spirit unbounded by laws of nature. It is only chaotic element in well disciplined nature.

Life is lived forwards and analyzed backwards. There are certain times in our life when world appears to be nostalgic, insomniac and full of chaos. Identity crisis in the lost worlds tops the priority list. It is also entertaining to remind readers that nothing like priority list of wishes exist. We are generators of infinite wishes in the tiniest part of time. The world is nothing but mirror of wishes and work of all people. Yet the search of paradise with shortcut escape route is pursued by everybody. To become extraordinary from ordinary is zeal of human mind. To become simple is more difficult than anything. Simplicity is just a man with esteem but no ego of success.

Everybody talks about religion but only few have experienced it.
Search for perfectness and eternity leads only to metaphysics. The life changing experience was not born due to single incident. They were results of series of self analysis and improvement. Solitude and silence provokes the feeling of loneliness in the crowded world.

A lot of people misunderstood the word 'Divine'.
Divinity is in the joy on watching the natural landscape,hearing the sound of jungle, touch of grass with the bare foot, feeling the taste of food & fragrance of the flower. Only nature is eternally new and eternally old with time.

Man is a social animal.
Man is beast with divinity in him. Every animal fights for territory, food and protection of their infants. Man fights for his beliefs also. It makes him more dangerous and supreme creation of the nature.

Discipline, morality, ethics and humanity are basic values and ingredients of characters.When there is search of secret ingredient or shortcut path of success, the human is altered from true path.Curiosity for discovering new path lies deep inside conscience of every human.

Ultimate Guru Mantra:" Life's desire should never be directed towards sense gratification. One should desire only a healthy life or self preservation, since a human being is meant for inquiry about the absolute truth (ultimate reality). Nothing else should be goal of one's work."

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